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5 personality quirks that are medical conditions

Do you have one of these strange personality quirks?

We all have that small tic or odd habit that makes us unique. But yours may, in fact, be a medical disorder. Read below and find out whether you check any of these boxes!

1. Paruresis

You’re standing next to another guy at the urinal, and…nothing. You start feeling self-conscious, try to relax, but still: nothing. Your bladder has stage-fright, also known as paruresis.

Paruresis is also called ‘shy bladder syndrome’, and it means that you’re not able to urinate when people are around. This has nothing to do with your urinary system. It’s social anxiety that causes your sphincter muscles to lock up when others are nearby.

Paruresis is more common in men, but can also happen in women. It can be triggered by a lack of privacy or being surrounded by people you don’t know. Anxiety, fear, or a sense of being pressured can also make it difficult to go.

2. Onychophagia

This fancy term describes good old basic nail biting. It’s one of the most common medical conditions in the world.

The medical term for nail biting is onychophagia, and is classified as an impulse control disorder. This means that those with the condition can’t control their urge to bite their nails. Onychophagia can affect anyone of any age, but most often develops during puberty.

Onychophagia can be triggered by stress, boredom, or nervousness. It can cause your fingertips to become red and sore, and your cuticles to bleed. In the long run, it can increase your risk for infection and may interfere with normal nail growth.

3. Misophonia

Loud chewing, gum snapping, pencil tapping: do these sounds drive you up the wall? Chances are you have misophonia, a strong dislike or hatred for normal, generally inoffensive sounds.

Misophonia, also known as selective sound sensitivity syndrome, usually starts between the ages of nine and 13 and is more common in girls. People with this lifelong condition have specific triggers, and are sensitive to certain sounds. When they hear these sounds, they become irritated, agitated, enraged, anxious, or panicked.

There is no known cause for misophonia. It has nothing to do with your hearing, but it could be related to how sound affects your brain and sets off automatic responses in your body.

4. Involuntary Emotional Expression Disorder

Your best friend’s mother just passed away, but you can’t resist laughing at the news. No, you’re not insensitive or crazy: You have Involuntary Emotional Expression Disorder (IEED).

IEED is when you have the opposite response to what is expected. People with this condition have episodes of crying, laughter, or anger that’s out of line with their present mood. For example, you may giggle during an argument or feel sad when something good happens.

IEED is caused by an injury to the neurological pathways that control your emotions. It’s common in people who have had a stroke, sustained a traumatic brain injury, or have a neurological disorder like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease or dementia.

IEED is underdiagnosed and undertreated as it’s often confused with other mood disorders like depression.

5. Alexithymia

Does your partner accuse you of being distant or emotionless? Alexithymia may be the reason for your seemingly lack of feeling.

Alexithymia is the medical term for not being able to understand and express your emotions fully. Everyone has some level of alexithymia, but it can become frustrating if yours is severe. Not knowing how to verbalise your feelings may cause people to think you’re lying or hiding something.

Alexithymia is more common in men. It’s often considered a personality trait, but has also been linked to post-traumatic stress disorder, and traumatic childhood events like abuse.
