Medical App & Medical Advice with Hello Doctor

Why do I have stomach pain?

Not again! Where is this pain in my stomach coming from? Do stomach cramps hit you when you least expect them? There are some obvious causes for stomach cramps, like the tummy bug or food poisoning, but what about unexpected causes? Here are 5 reasons that might be behind your mysterious pain. Continue reading “Why do I have stomach pain?”

Why am I dizzy?

The room spins and you feel light-headed, as if you could pass out. Or maybe you walk down the corridor, when it starts feeling like you’re on a ship, rocking back-and-forth. Other than that, you may not have any symptoms. What could be wrong? What causes dizziness?

Dizziness can be a side effect of a minor health issue, but it can also be a sign of something more serious – here are some of the usual causes of dizziness. Continue reading “Why am I dizzy?”

Migraines: Tips on helping you get through it

Do you feel a headache coming or are you suffering from one right now? It’s a real pain (pardon the pun), especially while you’re at work. More often than not, headaches and migraines affect your productivity at work and your ability to do things when you’re at home, like cook. Sometimes headaches are so strong that all you want to do is sleep. So what should you do about it? The good news is, there are ways to find relief. Many effective treatments exist for persisting headaches, including over-the-counter medication, biofeedback, injections and implants, depending upon the precise type of headache. Botox also provides a useful means of effectively and safely treating headaches and migraines. Here are some tips.  Continue reading “Migraines: Tips on helping you get through it”

5 Weird pain facts

We all think we know what pain is, but the truth of the matter is that we actually don’t. While we can feel physical and emotional pain, scientists don’t really know how to explain it. Pain isn’t just something that hurts and it’s more than just electrical impulses sent through our nerves. Here’re five lesser-known facts about pain. Continue reading “5 Weird pain facts”

Don’t let back pain affect your sex-life

Suffering from lower back pain? If you do, then it’s understandable that you’ll try your best to avoid being intimate with your partner for fear of igniting pain instead of passion. However, chronic backache doesn’t need to be the end of your sex life. With a few changes to your positions and pace, intimacy is possible and mutually satisfying.

Continue reading “Don’t let back pain affect your sex-life”

Could your desk job be affecting your posture?

Do you slouch when walking, or lean forward when working on a computer? Then it’s time for you to straighten up! We’re not kidding either – bad posture can affect your health and can cause a great deal of pain. Desk jobs are notorious for giving us posture problems because we tend to lean forward and stay in that lazy position for hours. Let’s take a deeper look into some of the most common forms of bad posture: Continue reading “Could your desk job be affecting your posture?”

5 Steps To Beat bad breath!

Halitosis! That’s the medical term for bad breath – a nasty condition that affects 25% of all adults, 1 in every 4 of us. Think of three of your closest friends, and if none of them have bad breath, then maybe you’re the one. How can you tell? Instead of blowing into your cupped hands, (or in your partners face), lick the back of your hand, let it dry for a few seconds, and then smell the surface.

Bad breath is like any other body odour – it’s the result of bacteria living on or in the body giving off by-products. In your mouth, it’s a case of bacteria that normally live in there interacting with food particles to create smelly sulphur compounds. If you don’t clean properly, those bacteria build up, and next thing you know, you’re being left random gifts of breath mints on your desk every Monday.

So, here’s how to banish bad breath!

While popping a mint may mask things for a while, it won’t deal with the bacteria that are causing the problem. So, in addition to brushing your teeth regularly, you can tackle bad breath by doing the following:

Step 1: Brush your tongue

The rough surface of the tongue is home to a potentially foul-smelling combination of dead cells, food debris and bacteria – all of which contribute to bad breath.

Step 2: Stay hydrated

A dry mouth is a breeding ground for offensive-smelling bacteria.

Step 3: Avoid the over-powering ingredients

Foods like garlic and onion are well-known stinkers, so – if you do want to eat them, time it well. It can take about a day for these to fully leave your system.

Step 4: Choose bacteria busting foods

Green tea has anti-bacterial properties that knock out the stink, and cinnamon contains essential oils that kill many types of oral bacteria.

Step 5: Eat crisp fruits and vegetables

Celery and apples are good examples. Chewing these produces more saliva in your mouth, and the firm texture also helps scrub away bacteria.

If you do all that and your bad breath still persists, get hold of your doctor to make sure it isn’t a sign of something more serious, as certain chronic diseases can release chemicals into the body that result in bad breath. In most cases, taking simple steps to control the chemistry lab living inside your mouth will keep you smelling minty fresh, for most of the day anyway!