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Why should I get my child vaccinated?

You may have heard or read that children’s vaccinations are dangerous, or that we can live without them. Or perhaps you just don’t like the idea of your child getting a jab. If this sounds like you, then read on.

Vaccinating your child is a vital step in helping protect them against serious and potentially fatal diseases. And quite simply, children who don’t get vaccinated have a much higher risk of infection.

The MMR vaccine – it’s highly recommended!

The only known prevention against measles, mumps and rubella is the MMR vaccine. All three conditions are common childhood infections, but if an adult contracts any of them it can be very dangerous. Because of false claims about the vaccine, some parents choose not to get their babies vaccinated, and there have now been reports of fresh outbreaks of these conditions in countries like the US, UK and Canada as a result.

Fact: vaccinations have wiped certain diseases out

The ONLY time that it’s safe to stop vaccinating children against an illness is when that disease has been wiped out worldwide. An example of this is smallpox. In 1979 every country had successfully eradicated smallpox, and vaccination against the disease was stopped. It’s hoped that polio will soon be eradicated in the same way.

Is it possible to overload a child’s immune system from vaccinations?

No, studies show that vaccines don’t weaken a child’s immune system at all. The viruses and bacteria used in vaccines are weakened or killed, and there are far fewer of them than the natural bugs that babies and children come into contact with.

What about flu vaccines?

As we’re heading into winter, this is a very good question. Who should have the vaccine?

  • Anyone older than 65, especially if living in a retirement home
  • Anyone with heart problems or a respiratory problem, such as asthma
  • Anyone with a chronic condition such as kidney failure or diabetes
  • Anyone battling immunosuppression, such as HIV infection
  • Pregnant women