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Hooray for puree! Delicious butternut soup

Do your kids always turn up their nose when they see those veggies on their plate? These superfoods are packed with vitamins and minerals that are essential for their diet. Are you out of ideas? Well, this is the solution you’ve been looking for!

It’s time for them to try some butternut soup! One reason kids struggle with vegetables, is due to the strange texture. If you puree them, the smooth texture is much easier to handle. Then, just add some spices to mask the smell, and you’ll be serving a tasty dish that is cheap as well as nutritious!

You can find everything you need to make this delicious soup at your local supermarket. Let’s go!


  • 1 butternut
  • 2 Granny Smith apples
  • 4 tbsp [60 ml] extra virgin olive oil
  • 1½ tsp [7½ ml] mild curry powder
  • 2 large onions
  • handful of fresh coriander leaves.
  • 1 tsp [5 ml] ground cinnamon
  • 1 cup [250 mL] plain yoghurt
  • 1 cup [250 mL] full cream milk
  • 2 cups [500 mL] chicken or vegetable stock [you may use stock cubes in the water]
  • 3 tbsp [45 mL] fresh cream [optional]

Preparing the butternut soup:

  1. Peel and chop the onion
  2. Slice the butternut in half lengthwise and then in quarters. Dice it.
  3. Peel and chop the apples
  4. Heat the oil in a large saucepan and sauté the onion until it becomes transparent. Add the coriander leaves keeping a few leaves aside for garnishing.
  5. Add the cinnamon and curry powder stir to mix. Add the apples and butternut and stir for a few minutes to ensure that all the ingredients absorb the flavours.
  6. Add the stock and increase the heat cover the saucepan with its lid and cook for about 15 minutes, until all the ingredients are relatively soft. Then add the milk and yoghurt and simmer for another 5 to 6 minutes.
  7. Remove the butternut mixture from the heat and allow to cool until and purée until your butternut soup is entirely smooth without any lumps. Reheat sure soup and stir in the cream if using. Decant into serving bowls and garnish with a sprig of coriander.

…and there you go! A delicious, nutritious meal in 7 easy steps. Grab a spoon and ENJOY!

Source: Afri Chef – Butternut soup recipe