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Random, but vital, health facts!

Here’s a new angle on some health facts. A couple are just curious, and maybe one or two are new to you. What we do know: these factoids can only make your life more fabulous.

Always flush the toilet with the lid down.

No, really – it’s important. The flushing force causes splashes of toilet water and vapour to erupt, and it takes a while to settle. Everywhere. Have you ever sat down on a wet toilet seat? Exactly! So, close the seat.

Don’t neglect fibre.

Whether it’s because you have to economise, or because you’ve chosen a specialised eating plan – think Paleo or banting here – it’s easy to end up with too little fibre in your life. Giving up whole grains, bran and fruits like apples, mangoes, oranges and figs means that you need to find other sources of regular fibre, like raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, celery, raw nuts and seeds, brinjals, cauliflower or broad beans.

Go to bed!

Sure, it seems obvious, but sleep is a basic health need that many of us neglect. Sleep – or the lack of it – impacts every single area of your life: concentration levels, your metabolism, and even the texture of your skin. Make sure that you’re getting at least 7.5 hours of sleep for at least 3 days in a row every week. But, every day would be better!

Manage the stress.

And that means recognising it. It’s all too easy for us to just keep on going, piling stress upon stress, until something gives. Don’t wait until you’re catching every cold or flu bug you meet because your immune system is taking strain. Rather build some regular stress-relieving activity into your life – anything from exercise to growing your own veggies – to keep you balanced and well.

Get your Vitamin B.

One weird symptom of a vitamin B12 deficiency is numbness or tingling in your fingers or toes! This vitamin helps to keep the nerves healthy, and if your diet is low in meat, fish or eggs, you may be at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. Luckily, that numb or tingly sensation can be reversed with B12 supplements.

Put on, or play, some tunes!

Interacting with music, and this includes listening, improves your brain’s ability to handle communication. Research shows that children with musical training have better reading ability and a wider vocabulary. The brains of musical adults have a better long-term ability to change and adapt. So, turn on the music.

By Joanne Hart for

Source: Best Health Mag