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5 ways to prevent flu this winter

Winter is the season for nasty colds and flu, so here’s how to stay one step ahead of viruses! The top 5 things you can do to help stay germ-free:

  1. Wash your hands regularly. Most viruses are airborne – when someone sneezes or coughs, you breathe them in – but they can also be transmitted by touching an infected surface and then touching your eyes, mouth or nose. Washing your hands regularly with soap and warm water, and drying them on disposable paper towels, lowers your risk of picking up a virus.
  1. Keep warm. Keeping warm can help you avoid colds, coughs and flu. This is because shivering depresses your immune system, making you more open to viruses. Wrap up before you go out into the cold.
  1. Daily multivitamins. Your daily multivitamin is like “health insurance”. Talk to your pharmacist about a multivitamin that’s best suited to you, and also about a probiotic supplement. Remember, yoghurt with live cultures is also a good source of probiotics.
  1. Sleep more, stress less. Lack of quality sleep, and persistent stress can weaken your immune system and leave you prone to infection. Aim for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night, and if you can’t, then try to squeeze in a nap during the day.
  1. Drink plenty of fluids. Water helps your kidneys function as they should, and helps flush out toxins that collect in your body. If you don’t like water, try adding slices of lemon or orange. Herbal teas also contribute to your daily water intake, so drink up!


Home remedies for colds and flu

It’s hard to escape cold and flu germs during winter – unless you hide away from open plan offices, public transport, gyms and crowded places like shopping malls and cinemas! The next best thing is to boost your immune system and keep it strong.

Some of your options

A lot of people opt to get a flu jab every winter. It’s especially recommended for:

  • those with weakened immune systems
  • elderly people
  • pregnant women.

Others tend to double up on immune boosters such as vitamin C and anti-oxidant supplements. You could also try natural home remedies, which are effective at keeping colds and flu at bay, and aiding a speedy recovery.

With that in mind, here are a few of the best home remedies and treatments for colds and flu.

Flu-fighting shooters


  • One part fresh lemon juice or orange juice
  • Honey to taste – one or two teaspoons
  • A quarter teaspoon of freshly grated ginger
  • A good pinch of finely diced raw garlic
  • A sprinkle of chilli flakes (optional)

Mix everything together in a shot glass and drink. All of the ingredients listed are known for their flu-fighting and immune boosting properties. When should you drink it?  As soon as you first start feeling a cold or flu coming on.

Recovery tips

If you’re recovering from a bout of flu, then try the following. It will help ease symptoms and speed up recovery:

For a stuffy nose:

  • try an aromatic steam inhaler. Simply add a few teaspoons of fresh grated ginger to a bowl of boiling water. Drape a towel over your head and lean over the bowl, breathing deeply for a few minutes. Steam works wonders for opening up the nasal passages, and you can do this a couple of times a day until you’re feeling better.

For sinus headaches:

  • try a hot compress. Simply microwave a damp towel for between 30 seconds and 1 minute, and place it across the top of your nose and cheeks for a few minutes.

To clear mucus from your nose:

  • Mix quarter of a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of baking soda with 200ml of warm water. Use a bulb syringe or Neti pot (a great investment if you suffer from colds and flu every winter) and squirt the saline solution up each nostril, one at a time. Allow the liquid to drain and finish by blowing your nose. This isn’t a very comfortable treatment, but it’s one of the most effective – and it will definitely leave you feeling better at the end of it!

Tips on how to treat a fever

Not sure what to do when you have a fever? Treating certain illnesses, infections, rashes, aches and pains can be easy and doesn’t always require that you go to the doctor or hospital. Just make sure you’re well equipped with the basics. Take a look at how to identify a fever and what you should do. Continue reading “Tips on how to treat a fever”

Is “man-flu” an actual thing?

It’s been a joke for years, but when researchers started looking into this strange condition, it turned out that man-flu might be an actual thing after all!

  1. Researchers first conducted a long study with mice, which found that oestrogen levels in women might help them recover from flu more quickly. Hopefully there’ll be further studies on this – in humans.
  2. Scientists then discovered that men have more temperature receptors in their brains, which means that the fevers they experience do tend to be hotter.
  3. Lastly, research hints that the “live-fast-die-young” strategy men have evolved for breeding purposes means that they don’t take enough time to properly recover. So, they tend to get re-infected, which makes the flu they’re suffering from that much worse.

So, next time he’s lying shivering on the couch, too weak to lift the remote, make sure he gets enough fluid, break that fever, and get him to stay in bed for at least a couple of days. To give you that little extra edge, here’s a fabulous chicken soup recipe. Oh, and remember to ask your doctor about flu shots for next winter!

Watch the famous Man Cold clip.

Sources: NHS.UK, Daily Mail


The best way to prevent colds and flu this season!

You’re surrounded! Co-workers, sniffing kids, even going to the supermarket means exposure to everyone else and their viruses.

You can’t hole up in a bunker for the rest of winter, but the good news is: you don’t have to. Bearing in mind that there’s no sure-fire way to stop a cold, here are some simple strategies to make you less vulnerable to the aches and sniffles through the worst of the season.

Continue reading “The best way to prevent colds and flu this season!”