Medical App & Medical Advice with Hello Doctor

Hygiene 101

Let’s take a minute to think about this…can you honestly say that you always wash your hands after going to the bathroom? The chances are that the answer is, NO.

You may think it’s not a big deal, but, it is! You are risking spreading diseases to your family and friends without even knowing it! Don’t believe us? Let’s clean up your skepticism. Continue reading “Hygiene 101”

Apps to make life easier!

App, app, app – there’s one for every possible want or need these days, but are we really using this technology to our advantage? Sure, games, instant messaging and social media apps are great and they’ve changed the way we communicate, but there’s so much more out there! Continue reading “Apps to make life easier!”

‘Men-Only’ body problems

Since the dawn of time, men and women have been dealing with body issues unique to each gender. Men may suffer from erectile dysfunction and prostate problems, while women have their period and possible uterine concerns to deal with.

The fact is, not all body issues are shared across both genders. Here’re a few things that generally affect men more than women, as well as some that are exclusive to men. Continue reading “‘Men-Only’ body problems”

Best vitamin C foods

We know that Vitamin C is good for us – when you think of it, you probably picture a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice, half a ruby grapefruit or a fizzy supplement. But there are a plenty of sources of natural Vitamin C that you can eat at any time of the day, and your body will absorb and use as it needs. Here are some you may not even know about. Continue reading “Best vitamin C foods”

5 Things you should never throw in your bin

In this day and age is easy just to throw everything in the waste bin, without giving it a moment’s thought. But trash comes back to us in many different ways, none of them good. If you ever needed persuading to be mindful of what you throw away, watch this powerful video, . When you are finished watching, resolve to change your habits. Continue reading “5 Things you should never throw in your bin”

Foods that fight PMS

PMS, or Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, is incredibly common and almost every woman has experienced it at some point in their lives. Symptoms can be mild one month and terrible the next and include mood swings, acne, food cravings, tender breasts and fatigue. PMS occurs due to the hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle – and importantly stress, lack of exercise and poor diet can aggravate the symptoms.

Continue reading “Foods that fight PMS”

Should women worry about testosterone levels?

Surprise, surprise! If you’re a woman, you also have testosterone. After puberty, women begin to produce an adult level of testosterone. The production is split between the ovaries and adrenal glands, and a small amount of testosterone is released into the bloodstream.

Women produce just a fraction of the amount of testosterone each day that men do, and these sex hormones are secreted in short bursts from one stage of your menstrual cycle to another.

Continue reading “Should women worry about testosterone levels?”

Our top 8 Hello Doctor tips

We’re all about giving you actionable health tips, and over the past year we’ve posted hundreds! We’ve covered everything from male and female health, exercise, nutrition and pregnancy to chronic health conditions and more! These are our Top 8 Health Tips, based on feedback you’ve given us on social media. What’s your favourite Hello Doctor tip? Continue reading “Our top 8 Hello Doctor tips”