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Alternative therapies to manage chronic pain

Chronic pain is a common problem. Chronic means when pain lasts for more than several months (usually between three to six months).

Over-the counter-medication isn’t the only way to relieve pain. Take a look at alternative therapies.

Therapies & treatments

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine that’s rapidly becoming a mainstream treatment for pain. It’s believed to release pain-numbing chemicals in the body and block pain signals coming from the nerves. This works for pain caused by conditions like fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, back injuries, and sports injuries. Acupuncture can treat lower back pain, menstrual cramps, headaches, joint conditions, and the side-effects of chemotherapy and nausea related to pregnancy.

Regular exercise has loads of benefits for people with different painful conditions. Physical activity can help relieve chronic pain, as well as boost energy and mood. Exercising can improve muscle strength and boost endurance. It helps with circulation and gets oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. This will help improve the function of your cardiovascular system. If you have chronic pain, check with your doctor before you start an exercise routine.

Depression and chronic pain often go together. Chronic pain can cause or worsen depression. The condition can lower a person’s tolerance for pain. Give therapy a try to help you talk out and solve problematic behaviours, beliefs and feelings.

The goal with deep breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation is to produce the body’s natural relaxation response, which is slower breathing, lower blood pressure and a sense of a good and balanced well-being.

Yoga has been practised for centuries and is said to reduce stress and improve fitness. It can also teach you that your breath is the bridge that links your mind and body. Inhaling and exhaling can help you achieve a deep sense of relaxation, flexibility and strength.


Symptoms of bone pain and muscle weakness can be a result of Vitamin D deficiency. Get Vitamin D supplements, while adding plenty of Vitamin D-fortified foods like orange juice, salmon, and tuna to your diet.

Eating Vitamin C-rich foods is a good idea for your general health. Great options include red peppers, strawberries, citrus fruits, and broccoli. Vitamin C is known to reduce inflammation and act as a natural antibiotic and antihistamine (a type of medicine often used to treat allergies).

Supplements of Vitamin B have been shown to be effective in pain management for different conditions. You can get Vitamin B12 from your diet through eggs, milk, fish, meat, and some fortified cereals.

Vitamin E may be able to reduce exercise-related damage to muscles. Boost your Vitamin E intake through foods, and use safflower or sunflower oil when cooking. Snack on sunflower seeds and nuts like almonds, hazelnuts, and peanuts. Talk to your doctor before using any supplement as they’re not a substitute for medication.


Life tips from the oldest yogi in the world

Most of the yogis we see in the gym, are young hipsters, who look like they could model for a fitness magazines. But Tao Porchon-Lynch breaks that stereotype. In 2012, Tao Porchon-Lynch was listed in the Guinness World Book of Records as the oldest yoga instructor in the world, but that isn’t the only reason she’s made waves globally.

True to her mantra, “There is nothing you cannot do”, at the age of 99, she still teaches yoga at a studio in New York. What’s more; this phenomenal woman is also a World War II French Resistance fighter, model, actress, film producer, wine connoisseur and ballroom dancer!

She says that yoga is interwoven into her life, and is what has kept her mind and body sharp.

Here are some of her healthy living secrets:

1. Be in touch with your breathing

Porchon-Lynch shared that teaching yoga for 75 years has taught her that mindful breathing has powerful health effects.

Why is this good for your health?
Research has shown that deep breathing lowers stress, helps you to feel calmer and promotes a relaxed state of mind. It also can be used as a natural painkiller, as deep breathing releases feel-good hormones in your body. To practise deep breathing, sit in a comfortable position with your hands on your knees and relax your shoulders. Close your eyes and exhale, then breathe in through your nose. Exhale slowly and count to five. Count till two and then inhale slowly and count to five. Repeat.

2. Stay positive

She shared that looking at things in an optimistic way helps to relieve stress and lower the risk of certain health problems.

Why is this good for your health?
Looking on “the bright side” or seeing life as generally positive has its benefits. According to positive psychology researcher Suzanne Segerstrom, “Setbacks are inherent to almost every worthwhile human activity, and a number of studies show that optimists are in general, both psychologically and physiologically healthier.” Positive thinking helps you deal better with stress and lowers the health risks of depression and cardiovascular diseases.

3. Practice yoga

Porchon-Lynch revealed that even at her age, she still makes fitness a part of her daily routine by practicing yoga every day. She’s awake by 5am and reaches her studio before 9am to teach several yoga classes.

Why is this good for your health?
Yoga is a total mind and body workout which helps with toning muscles, burning calories and relaxation. It improves your flexibility, posture, muscle strength, and increases your blood flow. Mentally, yoga has shown to help with increasing focus, stress release and mindfulness. According to Johannesburg psychologist Ronelle Hart, “Yoga provides an enhanced sense of calm and equips us to face life’s problems, which deepens the quality of being alive.”


What exercises are safe for mommy’s-to-be?

Many women are concerned about putting on too much weight during pregnancy, or not being able to stick to their regular exercise programme. While you certainly can’t continue with impact sports such as kick-boxing, there are still plenty of exercises you can do that will help you stay healthy and help prevent you from putting on more weight than necessary.

Continue reading “What exercises are safe for mommy’s-to-be?”

Why has yoga become so popular?

Yoga has been around for a very, very long time – 5 000 years in fact according to some reports. Even in the western world it’s been popular for decades however, over the past 10 years yoga has exploded as an alternative form to regular exercise. Today there is a yoga studio that offers something for everyone – whether its bikram, kundalini, ashtanga, hatha, vinyasa or power yoga, you are sure to find a form that suits you.

The benefits of doing yoga on a regular basis are numerous, not least of all it helps you develop a healthy body and mind. With the increasing pressures of westernised living, it’s obvious why yoga has become so popular among men and women.

Continue reading “Why has yoga become so popular?”