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A new year, a new you

We’re almost halfway through December, what a thought! Have you set any new health goals that you want to achieve for 2016 yet? If not, it’s time to get started! Summer is here and It’s time to get in shape and make 2016 YOURS! Ready, set, go…

Your starting point

First: what is your personal goal? Simple weight-loss, a really toned body or increased strength and stamina? For success, it’s important to know where you want to go. Here are 3 vital keys to any effective exercise programme:

  • Stretching
  • Fat loss
  • Strength training

Stretching: So, before you begin any exercises, you need to warm up your muscles! Get that oxygen-rich blood pumping through your body! It lessens the risk of your muscles being strained, pulled or torn. Don’t believe us? Watch and learn.

Should you stretch Before and After a Workout? 

So, by now, you’ve decided whether you want to lose body fat, increase your strength, muscle mass, overall fitness or all of the above. Great stuff!

Whatever your decision is, remember one thing: the more you put in, the more you get out! There are no quick-fix solutions, trust us!

Fat Loss: One of your goals is most likely to burn off fat so that you can uncover that hidden 6-pack; they’re not a myth, we’re all born with them, we promise!

You’ve most likely been told that jogging or running is the best way to this, right? The reality is quite different. While you will burn calories, jogging and/or running puts a lot of impact on your knees, feet and calves.

So, if you have suffered a knee injury in the past, we’d recommend an alternative exercise such as using the stationary bike (or actual bicycle if you prefer training outdoors) and an elliptical machine.

These are far more efficient and much easier on your joints. But if you’re still convinced jogging is better, watch this.

Does Jogging Help you Lose Weight?

Strength Training: It’s time to lift some weights – grab a barbell or set of dumbbells and let’s get started! The amount of weight doesn’t matter (heavier is not always better!) – it’s about technique.

Most of you are not planning to be power lifters, but rather want a toned physique – lifting lighter weights is perfect for this!

When you lift lighter weights it allows you to do more repetitions and more oxygen-rich blood is going to be pumped into your muscles, giving you the muscle growth that you want.

The other benefit is that you’re not breaking the down the muscle tissue, meaning a quicker recovery time. You’ll be able to hit these body parts more often during the week than if you were lifting heavy weights.

BONUS: This type of training allow you to burn calories at the same time – talk about a win-win situation. See for yourself.

High Reps, Light Weights or Low Reps, Heavy Weights?

And there you have it! Your complete body transforming workout. Remember to follow the instructions and master the techniques and above all: be consistent! Here’s to a fitter, better YOU.