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Keep your holiday happy

For many, the holiday season is not the traditional fun family gatherings, complemented with delicious festive food. Perhaps your family get-togethers end up in screaming matches – we know this is tough and depressing, but we’re here to help you demolish depression. Here are some great ways for you to enjoy the holiday season. Continue reading “Keep your holiday happy”

Is second-hand smoking a big deal?

So, you’re heading out for the evening and one of your friends lights up a cigarette in your car. It’s not just your clean clothes and hair that start to smell, it’s your health going up in smoke too! You don’t have to put up with passive smoking… it’s a serious hazard to your health! We’re here to help you stay smoke free! Continue reading “Is second-hand smoking a big deal?”

One simple habit that prevents deadly disease

If you read our articles regularly then we’re pretty sure that you wash your hands! It may be a simple habit, but it’s extremely important to keep disease at bay. Washing your hands is your first line of protection when it comes to health. Here’s why we bring it up so often:

The science behind hand washing

Germs – bacteria and viruses – are geniuses when it comes to spreading disease. Remember, their only job is to live and to make more of themselves, and they do that by spreading from person to person! But getting from a toilet seat, a used tissue or door handle to a new human host can be a bit of a challenge. So, if you’re a germ, you wait for the next human to put out a hand and give you a ride! Then, when they rub their eyes, touch their face or eat something, you have full access to a new host! Unless they wash their hands, that is. If that happens, all the germs go straight down the drain!

Is rinsing hands good enough?

Just putting your hands under running water isn’t enough – some germs know how to cling! Here’s how to scrub those germs away:

  • wash your hands in warm water, and use soap to make it slippery for any germs
  • it doesn’t have to be anti-bacterial soap, just make sure you give your whole hand a good soapy rub, and that means between your fingers
  • rinse off and dry with a clean towel or paper towels

How often should I wash my hands?

You don’t have to make it an hourly ritual! Here are the times when hand-washing really counts:

  • after using the bathroom
  • before cooking or eating
  • after doing housework or cleaning
  • after touching your pets
  • both before and after visiting sick friends or relatives
  • after blowing sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose
  • after travelling on public transport, like a bus, taxi or train

When we get busy, we sometimes forget these basic rituals. Don’t be a victim of the next flu-virus that your colleague left on the office door-handle – wash up!


Matric dance survival tips

For your teen, it’s a big, big deal – the end of a 12-year stint in school! For parents, it’s a big deal too – matric dances don’t come cheap and watching your child’s first major rite of passage is an emotional business. Here are some ways to make sure it’s a good memory for everyone. Continue reading “Matric dance survival tips”

Spring clean your look!

It’s Spring – just like that! We know; it felt like winter was never going to end. But the mornings are already lighter, which means that summer is on its way! Did you put on a few kilos over the cold months? Well, now is the perfect time to work them off. Here are 3 ways you can use Spring to get ready for a great Summer. Continue reading “Spring clean your look!”