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Surgical methods of contraception

In my 1st blog post we covered methods of contraceptives that don’t involve medical interventions, and in the 2nd, we looked at barrier methods which prevent pregnancy and STDs. From there we moved onto hormonal methods of contraceptives, and here, in our final blog post we cover surgical “irreversible” methods of contraception.

These include:

1. Female Sterilisation: Tubal Ligation, when you’re certain you’ve completed your family, is a good option. With this, the fallopian tubes are cut each side, and a small piece is taken out, making it impossible for the egg and sperm to meet. This is done in theatre and is more complicated than a Vasectomy. It’s very difficult to reverse, and if it is reversed it can lead to an increased risk of ectopic pregnancies, which is when pregnancy occurs outside of the uterus.

2. Male Sterilisation: During a Vasectomy the tubes that take sperm from the testicles are cut, which prevents the sperm from getting into the ejaculate. It’s a very quick procedure and takes around 30 minutes. The advantage here is that it can be reversed more successfully than a tubal ligation. It’s also important to remember that the man will continue to produce sperm, it just won’t be in the ejaculate. This means that if he ever wanted to have more children it be achieved fairly easily.

All of these methods of contraception have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it can take time for you to find a method that suits you best. What’s most important is that if you are sexually active and don’t want to fall pregnant you need to be one some form of effective contraception. So, take the time to speak to your doctor about the options available to you.

Please practice responsible, safe and protected sex!!