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What you need to know about treating cellulite

You don’t have to be overweight to have cellulite, and it happens to men too, which makes it the bane of most people’s existence! But what causes the dreaded ‘orange peel’ effect, and is there a way to fix it?

Let’s start at the beginning. Basically, cellulite is fat.  Everyone has fat cells under their skin, and cellulite occurs as these fat cells swell and the surrounding fibrous tissue changes in texture. This causes a pulling effect and gives the skin a dimpled look.  Dr. Albert Viljoen from Hello Doctor recommends pinching the skin around your upper thigh to check if you have cellulite. If it looks lumpy, you probably have it. Don’t stress though, remember MOST people also have it – yes – even models.

What Causes Cellulite?

Several things influence how much cellulite you have and how visible it is, including:

  • Fad/detox/crash dieting
  • Poor diet and nutrition
  • Slow metabolism
  • Lack of exercise
  • Hormonal changes
  • Dehydration
  • The thickness and colour of your skin, and
  • Total body fat

How Do I Treat Cellulite?

There are many treatments and products that promise to get rid of cellulite, but there isn’t much evidence to show that they work in the long term.  Treatments include spa and massage treatments, cellulite creams, liposuction, mesotherapy and laser treatment.

The safest and most sustainable treatment option is to combine exercise (which tones your body) with weight loss (if it’s necessary.) Experts agree that the most effective exercise routine for cellulite is a blend of aerobic exercise and strength training along with a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, water and fibre.

If you would like to talk to a doctor about cellulite and how to treat or prevent it, simply download the free Hello Doctor app, and talk to one of our doctors.

Why do I have cellulite?

Every woman dreads the orange-peel monster. The appearance of dimpled skin on your thighs, buttocks and hips is what we call… cellulite.

It’s the appearance of fat under your skin that pushes through the connective tissues, making it look lumpy and uneven. Anyone can have cellulite, irrespective of shape and size, even supermodels!

When dimples are not so cute…

The dimples in the flesh are caused by the layer of fat underneath your skin that’s squeezed between connective tissues from the muscle to the skin. This is relatively normal and no surgical procedures are needed as the appearance can be reduced. For women, hormones play an important role in the development of cellulite.

Got it from your mama?

Genetics do play a role. This is dependent on how your body stores fat and the impact of the tissue band on the fat. With age, your skin also loses elasticity.

Cellulite tends to occur in the:

  • Stomach
  • Hips
  • Lower back
  • Inner and upper back of thighs
  • Inside and back of upper arms
  • Upper back below shoulders

Does food cause cellulite?

Excess sugar from refined and processed foods, play a role in the development of cellulite. It is worth it to consider a low-carbohydrate and high-in-healthy-fats diet instead, to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Limit excess salt intake as this increases water retention. Remember: eating fat doesn’t necessarily cause fatness!

Can it go away?

Unfortunately, not. Cellulite happens naturally, and while there are creams and procedures that can help reduce the appearance, there isn’t a ‘cure’ for cellulite.

How does this monster grow?

Grade 0: No visible cellulite.
Grade 1: Orange peel skin is visible when the skin is pinched. The cellulite is not visible when standing or lying down.
Grade 2: Cellulite is visible when standing but disappears when lying down.
Grade 3: Standing and laying down, the cellulite is visible.

Home fixes to ensure good circulation:

  • Dry rubbing: improves blood circulation and removes the build-up of toxins in your body.
  • Green tea: helps with killing free radicals in the body and could speed up weight loss.
  • Cayenne pepper: this fat-burning spice can boost your metabolism and blood circulation while getting rid of the appearance of cellulite and flushing out toxins in the body.
  • Water: helps the body metabolise fat, grow thicker skin to reduce cellulite appearance and cleans out your toxins. Drink up!

Exercises that may help curb the appearance of cellulite:

  • Lunges
  • Squats
  • Step-ups
