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Even dads can get baby blues

Most new Dads feel overwhelmed, and experience a bit of the baby blues in the first few months after their baby has been born. However, it turns out that a small percentage of Dads actually go on to develop post-partum depression, something which until now has mostly been documented in new moms.

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Why are women waiting longer to have kids?

It all seems rather perfect. You finish school, get a degree, start the career of your dreams and work your way up the proverbial corporate ladder. The next thing you know, you’re 35 and in a great position financially and personally, but you’re only now thinking about having kids. Don’t feel guilty, you’re far from alone.

In fact, worldwide, the average age of first-time mothers is increasing. Today, there are 9 times as many “first births” to women over the age of 35 than there were 40 years ago. But that’s not the only interesting statistic: “first births” to women under the age of 30 have also dropped.

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Peanut allergies may soon be a concern of the past

Although new cases of peanut allergies are on the rise, that might be a concern of the past, as scientists believe they might have found a solution.
Even though it’s not a cure, scientists have developed a new system that will help build-up tolerance to peanut allergies. This revolutionary test is a form of immunotherapy, and involves patients between the ages of 9 and 16 who are exposed to small doses of peanuts, over a long period of time.

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Healthy lunch box ideas for back-to-school kids

Early mornings are busy in most households and the temptation is there to just give kids tuck-shop money. In truth though, it only takes 5 minutes to pack a healthy and nutritious lunch that will keep them full throughout the day, help them concentrate during class and give them the energy they need for sports and extra-mural activities.

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Pack sunscreen for school

Young children are very sensitive to sunburn, which is why it’s important to use sun hats and apply sunscreen. Make sure that you put sunscreen and instructions for its use in your child’s bag for day-care, school or crèche, in addition to talking about it with the teacher.

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I’ve had a miscarriage, now what?

Having to go through a miscarriage is a painful and incredibly emotional experience, not just for the women who endure it, but also for the husbands, partners and families of these women.

All too often, it’s impossible to give an explanation as to why a pregnancy was lost. Between 50 and 70% of first-trimester miscarriages are thought to be the result of genetic abnormalities, which means the foetus can’t grow normally. Medically, a miscarriage refers to the loss of a pregnancy within the first 20 weeks, and studies show that 30-50% of fertilised eggs are lost before or during the process of implantation. This means the miscarriage happens early enough that a woman will go on to get her next period and not even know that she might have been pregnant for a short time. The result being that there are a lot more miscarriages than women are aware of.

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Keeping kids active and entertained over the holidays

Keeping kids active and entertained over the holidays can be a challenge – especially if you’ve already been to the beach or park every day this week.

So what about doing something different for your kids these holidays? For example enrolling them in a survival school camp such as Cashane Junior Rangers. The camp offers a variety of outdoor and survival-skills programmes that teaches children basic bush survival skills, encourages teamwork, builds self-esteem, and of course keeps them physically active and involved with the world around them.

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Holiday safety – kids at the beach

Summer holidays are finally here, and we’re taking the kids to the beach, into parks and into crowded places. Every year, hundreds of children go missing or get lost over the holidays, and at this time of year it’s more important than ever to keep track of excited children, and ensure everyone stays safe.

When it comes to keeping kids safe in crowded places, here’s what you can do:

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