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There’s blood in my stool: what do I do?

When your poop waves red flags, it’s important to act fast. Normal stools can have various colours, ranging from shades of brown and even green. If you take a peek while doing your business and your stool is black or streaked with red, these could be warning signs of blood in your stool.

Blood in your stool is usually caused by bleeding in the upper or lower part of your gut.

Causes for black stools

Black, tarry stools could mean you’ve taken too many iron supplements or eaten too much black liquorice. On the more serious side, you may be bleeding in the upper part of your gut, like your stomach. The blood starts clotting before you pass the stool, which is why it is black in colour.

Causes for red stools

Food with red colouring like beetroot, cranberries, tomato juice and red gelatine could make your stool red or streaked with red. Red blood in your stool could also mean that you’re bleeding in your lower intestinal tract. This is often due to piles, which could be easily treated.

Taking anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, Ibuprofen and naproxen over a long period can also cause ulcers which may lead to blood in stool.


Treatment for blood in stool first needs a doctor’s diagnosis, but it may include antibiotics, medication to suppress acid in the stomach and anti-inflammatory medication. In some cases, you may need surgery to remove growths that could be a sign of colon damage.

Main causes:

Black blood

  • Abnormal blood vessels.
  • A tear in the oesophagus from severe vomitting.
  • A bleeding stomach ulcer.
  • Blood supply being cut off to part of the intestines.
  • Gastritis (stomach inflammation).
  • Widened, overgrown veins in the oesophagus and stomach.

Red blood

  • Abnormal blood vessels.
  • Anal fissures (small cuts or tears in your anus).
  • Bowel ischemia (when the blood flow through the major arteries that supply blood to your intestines slows down or stops).
  • Diverticulosis (a condition in which small, bulging pouches develop in the digestive tract).
  • Haemorrhoids (piles)
  • Infection in the intestines.

Keep an eye on your stool

If you see blood in your stool, take note of the colour and frequency because your doctor will ask about it to help with a diagnosis. Moderate or severe bleeding can quickly lead to symptoms of dizziness, fainting and other signs of low blood pressure.

If you’re bleeding excessively or have other symptoms like abdominal pain, a fever, weakness, vomitting and heart palpitations, see your doctor immediately.


Treat IBS without medication

Your favourite treats have left you constipated and bloated with excruciating cramps and regret. “Why did I eat all those things?” you wonder.

Unfortunately, some foods just hit our digestive tracts the wrong way and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the price we pay. Understanding the triggers of tummy troubles will help you cope.

Irritable bowel syndrome, known as IBS or spastic colon, can be a major source of discomfort. Symptoms include irregular diarrhoea, stomach cramps, constipation, bloating and abdominal pain that intensify throughout the day.

Know your layers

The small intestine in your stomach makes up about 60% of your digestive tract. This is where all the nutrients and minerals from food are absorbed.

It is one layer away from the colon (the body sewer) where the final stage of digestion happens. When this lining becomes more permeable from excessive antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medication, an intestinal infection, a low-fibre and high-sugar diet and alcohol – foreign invaders from food bacteria will find a home in your immune system.

Your body reacts to this (badly!) and activates an immune response that will result in allergies, an irritable bowel, an irritable brain, arthritis, mood disorders and autoimmunity.

Eat gut-friendly foods

Before you rush for the pills, take a stab at treating IBS naturally. The FODMAP diet  has been shown to improve symptoms for more than 80% of people who switch to this diet. At its core, FODMAPs are carbohydrates found in a variety of foods. These sugars (Fermentible Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides And Polyols) are not absorbed very well. They pass through the small intestine and enter the colon. Here they are fermented by bacteria, produce Gas, and can also cause water to move into the colon, leading to diarrhea, constipation or both.

You can either follow a strict FODMAP diet, or make sure to apply the following principles to your eating:

  • Be picky. Avoid sugary treats and sodas, caffeine, alcohol, and fried or processed foods. These are the main digestive tract stimulants and common triggers of IBS. Skip foods that produce gas, they may make you feel more pain from gas build-up.
  • Check your food combinations. These can directly influence how quickly and efficiently food is digested. To really get a handle on which foods trigger your IBS, keep a food diary. Simply writing down what you eat will help you get used to writing in the diary. Once you’re well practised, you can be more detailed and note times and quantities e.g. 250ml glass of water and half an orange at 8am. Make a note of when you experience IBS symptoms. After keeping a food diary for a while, you can look back to see which foods are your triggers. With this information, you and your dietician can work out a diet that will work best for you,
  • Chew, and chew again. Saliva helps break down food thoroughly in your mouth. This sets the digestive process in motion. Fluids may also dilute stomach acid, making digestion ineffective.

Stop the pain

  • Avocado is a good fat for digestion.
  • Aloe Vera juice is beneficial on an empty stomach as it soothes the digestive tract.
  • Glutamine (an essential amino acid)heals the gut lining.
  • Slippery elm powder soothes the lining of the stomach, intestines and reduces irritation.
  • Live probiotic cultures found in yoghurt are good bacteria that keep your gut healthy.
  • Digestive enzyme supplements will help break down complex fats and sugars, proteins so they can be made into amino acids and help with the digestion of starches and lactose.
  • Magnesium supplements will relax the colon muscles, help stomach movements and act as an antispasmodic to relax the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Vitamin C powder with magnesium ascorbate and potassium will help bowel movements if passing of food through the digestive tract is slow.

Medication isn’t the only solution. If you can work on moderating your food choices, good digestion should be a breeze!

But if your IBS symptoms persist, chat to one of our doctors for some advice. They’re available 24 hours a day!
