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How to get rid of dandruff

Uh oh… it’s those telltale white and grey flakes, making it look like your head is snowing! Dandruff can be embarrassing, and no matter how many times you wash your hair, the problem keeps coming back.

There is good news, though: dandruff is perfectly treatable.

Dandruff, decoded

You are not alone! Half of the people in the world are affected by dandruff. It’s a chronic scalp condition that causes the flakes of the skin to appear on the surface of the scalp and hair; sometimes ending up in your ears too. The noticeable flakes may vary in colour from white, yellow to grey. This condition may start from the ages of 10-20, and can still be present as you get older.

What are the causes for the flakes?

Dandruff is caused by a fungus called Malassezia, which feeds on oil of the hair follicle. The fungus is normally found in the natural skin flora. The dandruff happens when the protective barrier of the skin weakens, resulting in overgrowth of fungus and excessive shedding of dead skin on the scalp.

Dandruff can also be caused by seborrhoeic dermatitis (oily skin); a form of eczema linked to an overgrowth of yeast, which can be triggered by stress, the weather, or genetics.

Other culprits of flakes are hair dyes, or not shampooing properly. It’s easy to confuse dandruff with a dry scalp, psoriasis and product residue, since the symptoms are the same:

  • Itchiness
  • Dry scalp
  • Redness on the scalp

How can it be treated?

Treatment to stop dandruff will aim to slow the reproduction of skin cells that cause dandruff and neutralise the fungus too. Dandruff doesn’t go away on its own; an anti-dandruff shampoo will help. An antimicrobial (an agent that kills microorganisms or stops their growth) called Zinc Pyrithione, is an active ingredient in most anti-dandruff shampoos and is effective in getting rid of flakes.

Look for these anti-dandruff ingredients in products:

  • Climbazole
  • Coal tar
  • Ketoconazole
  • Piroctone olamine
  • Pyrithione zinc
  • Salicylic acid
  • Selenium sulphide or sulfur.

These compounds have antifungal agents that are effective in treating skin conditions.

Just because you’re susceptible to dandruff doesn’t mean you have to suffer from it. Certain minerals and vitamins can keep the skin and scalp healthy and help with factors that contribute to it.

Vitamin A: Supports and maintains the function of skin cells.  Get your fill from dark leafy greens, tropical fruits, sweet potatoes and carrots.

Good oils: Lack of oil in your diet means dry hair. Add olive, peanut, safflower, or sunflower oil when preparing food.

Vitamin C: Foods that are packed with Vitamin C can help prevent conditions that can be triggered by weakened immunity (dandruff). Get your dose from citrus fruits, strawberries and leafy greens.

Zinc: This mineral is necessary for new cell growth and development; which is essential in the maintenance of healthy skin, nails and scalp. Foods high in zinc include chicken, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, beef, dark chocolate and garlic.

Vitamin B: The vitamin is responsible for growth and creation of new cells. Eggs, salmon, beef liver, whole grains, avocado, legumes and nuts are helpful.


Hair care myth-busting

Is avocado good for your hair? Do egg treatments really make it shine? Before you mix up a hair potion, you need to understand the crown on your head first. Let’s sort fact from fiction. Know your hair type; and what your hair needs before trying old wives’ tales.

Fact or fiction?

  1. Black hair is stronger than blonde hair.

False. Natural blondes have more hair than brunettes. Brunettes have thicker hair strands than of fair hair. This doesn’t mean that darker hair is stronger.

  1. Dandruff is caused by dry hair.

False. Dandruff is caused by a type of fungus called “malassezia” that we all have in our scalp. When the fungus grows out of control, it feeds on the oils that the scalp secretes. The skin becomes more irritated and creates more dead skin cells. The extra skin cells fall off and mix with the oil in the scalp and hair. This forms dandruff.

  1. Wearing a hat causes hair loss.

False. Wearing hats and caps causes no harm! It doesn’t do any damage in comparison to wearing your hair tightly in a bun or to the back. Hats don’t create enough tension to cause hair loss. Balding can only be caused by genetics or products. Still, keep your hats clean to avoid scalp infections.

  1. Using luxury products will make your hair grow longer.

Not necessarily. It all comes down to the ingredients and the type of protein and nourishment that your hair needs. You can get bargain products that work much better than the pricey ones.

  1. Braiding your hair will make it grow quicker.

False. Braiding your hair can protect your hair from harmful substances in the air. However, if braids are too tight, they can break and damage your hair. Take care of your natural hair under the braids to support growth and retain moisture.

  1. Cold water makes hair shinier

This is not possible. Since there are no living cells in hair, your hair will not react to cold or hot water. Rather invest in a good conditioner to create a shiny and smooth look.

  1. Coconut oil is the ultimate solution for your hair

There is no such thing as an ultimate solution. Be careful not to use too much coconut oil, as it can leave your hair greasier. Previously detached hair will fall off from the scalp easily too. If you have fine hair, you may need to avoid using coconut altogether.

  1. Only dry hair needs conditioning

Hair in general is prone to breakage. Conditioning prevents breakage, and every hair type needs to be treated and get good nourishment.

  1. To get really clean hair, you must lather, rinse and repeat.

Nope. One thorough wash is good enough.

  1. Stress causes hair to fall out

Yes. Hair loss can be brought on by stress due to hormonal changes (post-pregnancy, menopause) poor diet or an illness. On average, people lose about 50-150 hairs a day and replace them. If hair loss persists, check with your doctor.


A bad hair day

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