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Hearing panic attack warning bells?

You are imagining worst case scenarios about how your interview will go tomorrow and suddenly, you feel like death is looming. You start breathing heavily, your hands are trembling, you’re sweating, your stomach is hurting and your heart is pounding out of your chest. Are you about to have a heart attack? Are you about to die?

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Don’t panic on Panic Awareness Day

Have you ever had the feeling that you can’t breathe? Your heart is racing, you feel sweaty and the world seems to close in on you? You have an overwhelming urge to run, but where? And from what? This is classically how a panic attack feels! They come on suddenly and often without warning, triggered by a crowded place, an exam, a new job or an argument. If you ask someone who’s had a panic attack what it feels like, they’ll tell you: “It feels like I’m going to die.”

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