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“Help! My child got injured!”

It’s the law of parenting: Your child is playing and you take your eyes off him for two seconds to answer your phone. Like clockwork; he falls, trips, bangs his hand against the wall and all hell breaks loose.

With children around, “oops” moments’ happen frequently and often, in the blink of an eye. It’s perfectly normal and happens to most parents. Kids are naturally curious and inquisitive, and this curiosity often sends them flying off the rails, or diving into a bush. Here’s a guide to treating those cuts and bruises, because we all know – they are inevitable!

Burns happen within seconds. From reaching for the stove, a spill of a hot beverage or touching a hot iron; there are pitfalls aplenty. A first-degree burn is the mildest form, and the skin may appear red with slight swelling. It may look like sunburn. Usually painful, a second-degree burn damages the top layer of the skin. With a third-degree burn, the skin is seriously injured. It looks white or charred. This burn damages the nerves so chances are that your child might not feel pain.

Only first degree burns should be treated at home:

  • Run cool water over the area for a few minutes to lower the temperature.
  • Apply an aloe vera gel or antibiotic ointment over the area and cover with a damp gauze or clean cloth.
  • Avoid an ice pack as this decreases the blood flow and may cause more pain.
  • Never ever apply grease or butter to the area; the salt will just worsen the pain!

When to see the doctor:

  • If the burn is on the face, genitals, joints and hands.
  • If it’s an electrical burn and covers a large part of his body
  • If the burn is oozing, tender and swollen,
  • If your child struggles to breathe.

Poisoning can happen even if you’re super careful with food. Food poisoning is caused by germs in contaminated foods which could result in a stomach virus, and the symptoms usually appear 48 hours after eating and last for about a day or two.

If your child is still sick for more than a few days, it’s time to see your doctor. Common symptoms include:

  • Cramping
  • Nausea
  • Vomitting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Fever
  • Aches
  • Chills

At home, keep your child hydrated with plenty of fluids. Make sure he gets lots of rest too.

Trips and falls are big business with kids! Running, unsteadiness, muscle weakness, and slow visual pick-ups are just a few causes for sudden crashes and bumps. Falling down is part of growing as they become independent and move on their own.

Accommodate the busy bees by rearranging your furniture to allow them space to move freely. When your child trips or falls, be mindful of how you react. Play it cool. Your panic will set him off. Check for bumps, fractures or bruising. Place an ice pack on the affected area and let him rest.

If it’s a head injury, you need to go to the doctor if:

  • Your child loses consciousness
  • There is significant bleeding
  • There is a lot of pain when the area is touched
  • Your child vomits
  • They lose focus in their eyes.

Drowning happens silently and quickly. Infants and toddlers left alone, even for a few minutes in a bathtub, are likely to drown. Always keep an eye on your child during bath times and when outdoors in the pool. Don’t rely on bath seats and rings, or older siblings to protect your child.

If you have a drowning scare at home:

  • Immediately check for breathing and responsiveness.
  • If he’s not breathing, start with chest compressions.
  • Get your child to the doctor immediately if he’s unconscious but still breathing.

If a few days later, and there’s persistent coughing, confusion, disorientation, difficulty talking and fever, it’s a good idea to see the doctor.

Sprains, scrapes and broken bones are common with the running and jumping that kids do. Most superficial scrapes can be treated at home, but for cuts, you may need to go to the emergency room to make sure they don’t need stitches. Waiting too long, could lead to scarring.

Scrapes that cause bleeding can be cleaned under running water, with saline (water and salt solution) or an alcohol-free wipe to prevent infection. Apply a thin layer of antibiotic cream and cover with a gauze, sterile bandage or a Band-Aid.

  • If it’s a minor scrape, you may leave it uncovered.
  • If it looks like a cut, you can use a Band-Aid to close the edges of the cut, unless it keeps bleeding.
  • If it is a clean cut, it will probably need stitches.

For a sprained ankle, just remember the RICE-acronym:
Rest: stay off the ankle
Ice: Put some ice in a dishcloth or towel, and rest this on the ankle to decrease the swelling.
Compression: Cover the ankle in a bandage, to keep the swelling down.
Elevate: Make sure the ankle stays above the heart, to keep swelling down, and allow the ankle to heal.

When to visit the doctor:

  • If the skin feels cold and pale (hands, feet and toes),
  • If there’s tingling and numbness on the area,
  • If there’s a crooked appearance to the bones
  • If your child cannot move the area at all without feeling pain.


Could this be a sprain or a break?

Your bones are five times stronger than steel – yes, really! Still, as tough as they are, bones can break.

A broken bone, (also known as a fracture), happens when too much pressure is exerted onto your bone, causing it to crack, shatter or split. Fractures are mostly caused by injuries, falls, car accidents, or overuse (particularly if you run or play a sport).

Signs and symptoms of a broken bone:

  • Intense pain in and around the injured area
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Limited ability or inability to move.
  • A visible deformity in the injured area.
  • Broken skin with bone protruding from the wound.

Sprain or break?

The type of injury that causes a broken bone and a sprain is essentially the same. Here’s how to spot the difference.

It’s most likely a sprain if:

  • You can still walk or put weight on your ankle after a leg injury.
  • You have mild or no swelling.
  • You have pain and tenderness around the soft tissue areas, but not over the bone.

It’s most likely a broken bone if:

  • You can’t walk after a leg injury.
  • You have severe pain in and around your foot or ankle after a leg injury.
  • You still have swelling and pain after a few days.
  • Your affected joint looks deformed.

First aid for broken bones

Minor broken bones aren’t life-threatening, but a break does need professional medical attention. Get help if:

  • The broken bone is from major trauma like a sports injury or car accident.
  • The person is unconscious or stops breathing.
  • There is heavy bleeding.
  • The broken bone has pushed through the skin.
  • The injured area looks deformed, feels numb, or has turned blue in colour.
  • You suspect there is a broken bone in the head, neck or back.

While you wait for the ambulance:

  • Don’t move the person! You may cause further injury.
  • Stop any bleeding by applying pressure to the wound with a sterile bandage, a clean cloth or a clean piece of clothing.
  • Immobilise the injured area using a splint or sling. Apply the splint to the area above and below the fracture sites. Never try to realign the bone or push a bone that’s sticking out back in.
  • Wrap an ice pack in a towel or piece of cloth, and apply it to the injured area to help reduce swelling and pain. Don’t apply the ice directly to the skin.
  • If the person is breathing in short, rapid breaths or feels faint lay him down in a comfortable position and encourage him to rest. Cover him with a blanket or item of clothing to keep him warm, and reassure him until help arrives.

