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Running vs. Swimming – which is best for weight-loss?

While running and swimming aren’t necessarily suited for everyone, they’re both excellent workouts that offer value to cardiovascular health, respiratory strength, disease prevention and calorie burn.

Both running and swimming offer unique health benefits. Swimming offers a great calories burn as moving through the water creates extra resistance, which forces you to use your muscles more; whereas running provides a varied exercise option with only a pair of shoes required.

Here are the benefits of both exercises.

Benefits of swimming

Swimming tones your upper body, lower body, and core at the same time, giving you a full-body workout and more overall muscle definition. For example, breaststroke and butterfly work your shoulders, arms, and chest, while back stroke strengthens your back, abs, and quads.

When you’re swimming, you’re working mostly your lower body, which includes your glutes, hamstrings, calves and quadriceps. However, swimming also works your upper body muscles more than running does. Your arms and other upper body muscles are used to pull your body though the water, building upper-body strength.

Another plus to swimming is the water resistance. Water resistance is stronger than the wind resistance that comes with running. You can get consistent resistance if you swim in the pool. Running offers unpredictable resistance and the amounts of calories you burn is affected by the resistance. Water also provides support for painful joints and doesn’t load them to the same degree that running does.

Benefits of running

Running is great for weight loss and can be performed anywhere and anytime. You can run outdoors or on a treadmill and don’t need much skill to do so! You can also alter the difficulty of your workout by changing speed, running up-hill or increasing the inclination on the treadmill.
Since running is a weight bearing activity, it also helps to improve the strength of both muscles and bones.

Which is better for weight loss?

Provided you’re on the right track with your diet, both running and swimming are good weight loss choices. Because swimming involves more muscle mass and includes more resistance, it does require more of a cardiac effort than running. That said, the BEST choice is the one that you enjoy, and more importantly, stick to. If you want a full-body workout with consistent conditions, swimming is the best option. If you like a change in terrain and want to improve your bone strength, running is the better choice. Either way, adding physical activity to your life is a positive step in healthy living.


Holiday safety – kids at the beach

Summer holidays are finally here, and we’re taking the kids to the beach, into parks and into crowded places. Every year, hundreds of children go missing or get lost over the holidays, and at this time of year it’s more important than ever to keep track of excited children, and ensure everyone stays safe.

When it comes to keeping kids safe in crowded places, here’s what you can do:

Continue reading “Holiday safety – kids at the beach”

What exercises are safe for mommy’s-to-be?

Many women are concerned about putting on too much weight during pregnancy, or not being able to stick to their regular exercise programme. While you certainly can’t continue with impact sports such as kick-boxing, there are still plenty of exercises you can do that will help you stay healthy and help prevent you from putting on more weight than necessary.

Continue reading “What exercises are safe for mommy’s-to-be?”