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Have you torn your Achilles tendon?

Tendons are strong tissues that connect your muscles to your bones – and to each other. Also known as your Achilles heel, your Achilles tendon is one of the most important tendons in your body.

Your Achilles tendon runs down the back of the lower leg, connecting your calf muscle to your heel. It’s used when you walk, run or jump. Because it’s used so often, it’s more prone to injury; a torn Achilles tendon is one of the most common leg injuries. And if you’ve torn yours, you’ll be off the courts and out of action for some time as it heals.

What causes Achilles tendon ruptures? 

Tendon ruptures tend to happen when you up your activity levels – like going from playing soccer once a week, to maybe five times a week. The added stress on your Achilles tendon can cause it to rupture. Certain sports and other activities that place great stress on your ankles and calves can also cause a tear.

Other causes of a tear include:

  • Playing ball on hard surfaces.
  • Running further than usual.
  • Running uphill more than usual.
  • Stop-start sports.
  • Wearing shoes with poor shock absorption.
  • Wearing shoes that have worn down unevenly.
  • A weak tendon.

Also, if you’re not careful on those weekend binges, you may give yourself a beer injury. Falling or stepping into holes after you’ve had too much to drink, can end up in a rupture.

Have you torn your Achilles tendon?

Your doctor will be able to diagnose if you’ve torn your tendon, but these symptoms may also indicate the rupture:

  • Pain, or feeling like you’ve being kicked in the calf.
  • A snapping or popping sound.
  • Not being able to walk properly, jump, or walk on your toes.
  • Swelling around your heels or ankles.
  • Being unable to put your weight on your affected leg.

Diagnosing a ruptured tendon

Your doctor will ask you what you were doing when you felt the pop or other symptoms. He will look at your leg muscles and move them around to see if this causes your foot to move. If it doesn’t, you probably have a torn tendon. He may also be able to feel a “gap” in the area if your tendon is completely torn.

Treating a torn Achilles tendon

Treating a torn tendon involves rest, so skip any exercise that involves your legs for about four weeks. You will probably be in a cast as well.

You may also need:

  • A cast or braces that allows you to walk without placing weight on your leg.
  • Slow exercises to gradually strengthen your leg.

If you’re an athlete, your doctor may also recommend surgery.

Preventing a tear

There are some things you can’t change to prevent a tear; like your age, sex or activity level. Warming up properly, and strengthening both your upper and lower legs can help to prevent tears. .

A ruptured tendon might cramp your style, but if you do what your doctor says, things can probably be back to normal in about four to six months. So, just tough it out. It’s for your own good.
