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These foods can make your asthma worse

If you have asthma, it’s important to always be aware of your triggers and find ways of avoiding them. Your triggers aren’t limited to just your environment. It’s worth taking a look at your diet. Having asthma puts you at an increased risk of having a food allergy which can cause asthma symptoms. In some people, exercising after eating an allergy-causing food leads to asthma symptoms.

Not everyone will react the same way to the same foods. So, watch your reaction to particular foods and avoid them if necessary.

Some of the foods that may cause an allergic reaction:

  • eggs
  • peanuts
  • sesame
  • tree nuts.
  • wheat
  • shellfish

Avoid foods that contain:

Sulphites: A substance that’s found naturally in some foods. It’s used to give food colour, add to shelf life and prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria. Sulphites are found in wine, canned fruit and vegetables, jams and dried fruit.

Gas: Beans, cabbage, and onions can cause gas. Eating big meals or foods that cause gas will put pressure on your diaphragm, especially if you have acid reflux. This may cause chest tightness and trigger asthma flares.

Chemical preservatives and flavourings: Food colourings rarely trigger asthma attacks. Usually, if a person with asthma reacts to one food colouring, they need to avoid eating any food colourings.Some people with asthma may be sensitive or allergic to artificial ingredients.

Avoid these foods:

Packaged potatoes
Frozen fries, hash browns and dehydrated potatoes have sulphites. A healthier substitute would be a baked sweet potato or roasted potatoes.

Beer, wine, juice and tea
Sulphites in these drinks can give off sulphur dioxide that irritate the lungs which aggravate wheezing and cause breathing difficulties.

Salt can cause fluid retention.

For the longest time it was believed that dairy products like milk and ice cream worsen asthma symptoms because they increase the production of mucus in the lungs. But, there’s little scientific evidence to support the idea. Rather, limit or avoid milk altogether.

Take action against asthma!
Asthma can be life-threatening and prevention can go a long way in controlling symptoms. It’s important to identify (and avoid) your triggers.

Food allergies and food intolerances happen when your immune system overreacts to specific proteins in foods. In some cases, this can result in asthma symptoms. Eat a balanced diet and maintain a healthy weight to manage your condition better.

Asthma diet

Fill up on fruit and vegetables. These are good sources of antioxidants like Vitamin C and E and beta carotene, which may help reduce lung swelling and irritation caused by cell-damaging chemicals known as free radicals.

Foods that contain quercetin could reduce the frequency of asthma attacks. To get your dose of quercetin, add these to your grocery-list to give the best support for your lungs:

  • apples
  • broccoli
  • sprouts
  • tomatoes
  • peppers
  • spinach
  • kale
  • citrus fruits
