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Unlocking chakalaka’s health secrets!

Chakalaka – we all know that spicy, delicious relish we spoon over everything. Sure, it tastes great, but is chakalaka also good for you? Yes! And it’s all in the ingredients. While everyone has their own special way of making this home-grown relish, there are some basics that go into every pot. Here’s what they do for you:

  • Tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in something called lycopene, tomatoes help to prevent prostate cancer and are good for your heart.
  • Carrots. Carrots are loaded with healthy vitamins and fibre! Carrots are full of beta-carotene, a natural chemical that the body changes into vitamin A. Carrots are good for your eyes, your colon and your heart – and they have anti-cancer benefits.
  • Onions. Onions make Vitamin C work better for you. They also have chromium, which helps to improve the way your body to manage blood sugar. Onions may also help protect against cancer and reduce heart attack risk!
  • Green pepper. Green, yellow and red peppers contain Vitamin C, which is great for making your immune system stronger. Full of fibre, which is great for your digestion, peppers also help to prevent some eye conditions.
  • Spices. Spice mixes for curry usually include cumin, ginger and turmeric – these spices are good for everything from improving digestion to reducing inflammation in your body.
  • Chilli. When comes to health, chillies are little superstars of the vegetable world! Not only does their burn add zing! to everything, but they also have more vitamin C than oranges. It doesn’t stop there either; chillies contain vitamins A and E, folic acid, potassium and beta-carotene. So, put them in!
  • Beans (optional). Beans are everything you need, when it comes to protein and fibre, and most beans also contain folate, magnesium and potassium.

So, now you know! Chakalaka doesn’t just make everything taste better, it makes good health sense, too. Have some more!

Here’s a great Chakalaka recipe for you to use.

Joanne Hart for

Source: WebMD