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#Trending: why it’s more hip to be sober

Millennials in the USA and UK are on a mission to love sincerely and maintain authentic relationships through ditching alcohol; opting rather for spirituality-based parties where they down juice shots instead. Sobriety and abstaining from alcohol is fast becoming a trend with these youngsters making sober pacts. So, it’s out with the beers and spritzers and in with juice bars, dry dinners and sober day raves.

Why are students sobering up?

We are more self-aware

We may be lagging behind here at home, but you can take a leaf from your peers abroad. A recent study suggests that the motivation behind ditching alcohol has to do with self-awareness: in this day and age, your pictures and videos can go viral in a matter of seconds, thanks to social media.

In this study, over 30% of the participants have experienced “social shaming”; a picture or video of you at your drunken worst appearing on social media. Embarrassing right? People are now more aware of their actions and the risk of compromising their reputation. Your future employer can dig up your details immediately; a pretty good reason to choose sobriety now for long-term gain!

We know better

It’s also worth noting that health information is just a click away and available at everyone’s fingertips. We’re now much smarter about making better health choices; hence ditching the alcohol. The trend of sober socialising is more on the focus of feeling better mentally and physically.

It’s an easy way to save up

Drinking in moderation or not at all is an active choice that’s going to be good for your body, mind, soul and wallet. Unsurprisingly, once you start tallying up those beer runs, you’ll realise you have more money to pay off student debt, splash out on new threads or just treat yourself to a few luxuries now and then.

Sobriety is also going to free up a lot of time! So get back into your favourite hobby or a new sport.

You can still have a good time

  • Be proud of your sobriety badge. You may be the only one without an alcoholic drink in hand, but that takes confidence! Be proud of your stripes.
  • Hold a (virgin) drink in your hand. This is a good trick to avoid the many questions about why you aren’t drinking.
  • Be tolerant and understanding. Don’t be a killjoy. Let others enjoy their time, and if it gets too much for you to handle; avoid the crowd altogether.
  • Find like-minded people. This may rather minimise the pressure to participate in the alcohol- based festivities. Join in on the fun; you don’t have to ditch your drinking friends either.
  • Don’t be boring! Find something to do. Be the DJ for the night or mingle with the crowd. Stay clear of using your phone as it could mean that you’re bored.
