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Myth-busting: The truth about allergies

Beliefs can be hard to change even after you’ve found out that they’re scientifically wrong. Allergies are no different; let’s bust the myths of allergies.

Myth 1: Cut flowers trigger allergy symptoms.

Fact: Store-bought flowers aren’t to blame for your allergies. Pollen made by grass, weeds and grass are usually to blame for your sniffles.

Myth 2: Food allergies aren’t serious.

Fact: Food allergies can cause symptoms like hives, a stuffy nose, vomiting, difficulty breathing and loss of consciousness. If an allergic reaction is severe or spreads to other parts of your body, it becomes what’s called anaphylaxis; which is a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.
People with food allergies must always be alert and aware of what ingredients are used in their food.

Myth 3: Moving to another part of the country can get rid of allergies.

Fact: Allergens (foreign substances) exist everywhere, so relocating probably won’t help you escape allergies. Airborne allergens like pollen can travel distances, and indoor allergens, like pet dander and cockroaches, exist anywhere. A change of climate may reduce your exposure to certain allergens. Dust mites, for example, thrive in heat and humidity, so they’re less common in drier climates. But if you have allergies, you may also develop new allergies in a different environment.

Myth 4: Food allergies are the same as food intolerances.

Fact: When it comes to food allergies, your immune system produces an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE for short) when it notices a food allergen. IgE antibodies fight the “enemy” food by releasing histamine and other chemicals. These chemicals then trigger the symptoms of an allergic reaction which can be deadly.
Food intolerances don’t involve the immune system. They can cause great discomfort, but aren’t life-threatening.

Myth 5: A food allergy always develops in childhood. Then you’re stuck with it for life.

Fact: According to the Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE), you can develop a food allergy at any age, even to a food that you’ve safely eaten before. Children may outgrow a food allergy over time. This is common with allergies to milk, egg, soy and wheat. Allergies that are harder to outgrow include peanut, tree nuts, fish and shellfish.

Myth 6: Allergies aren’t dangerous – they won’t kill me.

While it doesn’t happen often, in extreme cases, a person can go into anaphylactic shock which may cause death. Always take an allergic reaction seriously.
