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The Ultimate Energy Smoothie Ingredients

Need an energy booster this morning? Or do you need pick-me-up to help you stay on top of your game during the mid-afternoon slump? You should try drinking a smoothie that’s jam-packed with foods that contain vitamins and nutrients that will boost your health and give you the energy you’re missing.

There’s a variety of ingredients which you can add to your smoothie, but not all of them go well together. For example, if you like a berry smoothie, then adding peanut butter just isn’t going to end well. Find a smoothie that you like and mix and match some of the ingredients below until you find the combination that you like.

  1. Spinach. This green-leafy veggie is loaded with a variety of nutrients and vitamins, especially vitamin B6 – which is the vitamin you want. Spinach is best added to a vegetable smoothie.
  2. Sunflower Seeds. These unsuspecting seeds are high in vitamin B6 and they help regulate your blood sugar levels. Add about a spoonful to a banana or strawberry yoghurt smoothie.
  3. Prunes. The humble prune is high in Magnesium, vitamin A and vitamin B6. You can blitz it up or add some prune juice. Add some to any fruity smoothie.
  4. Bananas. One staple smoothie ingredient is the banana, and there’s a reason for it. It’s packed with energy and high in vitamin B6 and vitamin C and potassium. It also changes the texture of the smoothie (makes it a little thicker) and it’s very versatile. Add a chopped banana to any fruit smoothie, it’s particularly delicious with peanut butter and some honey.

So there you have it, 4 ingredients you can add to your smoothie that are healthy and organic. For more tips on nutrition give our doctors a call. You can contact them when you subscribe to our Hello Doctor services. Visit the “Buy Now” page to subscribe.

Source: Simple Green Smoothies